Monday, October 29, 2012

Albus Photo - Sleeping on his bed

As many of the photos you have seen of Albus, it is stressed that he is not on his actual things. 
When he is sleeping, he usual is on the couch. 
When he is in the kitchen he is normally on his rug.
When he is in a room with a bed (other than his) he will go on that instead of the floor.
Sometimes, though, he actually goes on his bed. It is a very comfortable dog bed with a lot of room!

So, in this photo Albus is sleeping on his bed. If you have a dog, then you know that they love to sleep. As having a couple dogs before Albus, I knew that dogs loved to sleep. Also, many of my relatives have dogs that... love to sleep!Albus was no different, he loves to sleep. Albus normally sleeps during the day, so he has all his energy back for the evening. After he gets wiped out from that by night, he is full of energy again in the morning!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Albus has Escaped! ...

Albus is at home safely now. :-)

Anyway, one night after I had gone to sleep, Albus was making a lot of noise............. Our windows were open this whole time, with a screen on the outside. So, Albus decided it would be a great idea to just go right through the screen out to the front yard! He was gone for probably around 30 minutes until noticed. So, after driving a while, Albus was found near our home! When called, he just returned through the garage.
Now, Albus was home and safe.............
But, he had some sort of poop all over him. He must to have rolled in some sort of something! So, Albus got a bath, and he is a dog that doesn't behave in that bath! His fur is so soft after baths, though. He sheds even more after baths, though, so in the morning, there was 'Albus Hair' everywhere!

After going through the front window's screen, roaming around outside at night, getting poop on him, returning home when called, and getting a bath, Albus was all fine in the morning!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Albus Video - Comes Charging At Me

Here is our Albus video of the week! "Dog comes charging at me"
This video was taken recently, Albus kept going up and down the steps and was barking, so I started to record. He was downstairs at first and was barking. Then, he came running up the steps..... He came straight in the room, jumped up the bed, and barely stopped before hitting me! He then proceeded to bark a little bit and run back downstairs!

Here is the description from youtube: "My funny dog, Albus, came charging at me one day...
Albus was down stairs barking, then came running up the steps and jumped up on the bed right at me! He also kept barking for a little bit :)"

Albus shows how energetic he is in this video!

Albus Photo - Looking out the Window

Albus is looking out the window.
He looks out the window for many reasons... People outside, dogs, stray animals - like cats, rabbits, etc.
When he sees other dogs he normally cries and/or cry barks. He wants to be out with them!
When he sees stray animals he normally cries and wants to go play with them!
When he sees people playing he will sometimes bark, but normally just watches with his tail wagging!
Albus loves lookin' out the window!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Albus Photo - Sniffing Rug

Albus on 'his' little mat in the kitchen. It is near the sink in the kitchen and whenever something with food is going on, he will lay there! He thinks it is his, even though it is for human feet :)
In this photo, he is sniffing the rug it looks like.

Have your dogs ever made random rugs "their own"?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Albus Photo - Wanting Belly Rub

Albus is lying down on his side, with his head up and his front right paw sticking up... That could only mean one thing, he wants a belly rub!
Albus almost always wants belly rubs, he enjoys them very much. As a dog, it is hard for him to scratch his belly, so sometimes he gets an itch on his belly and can't do anything about it!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Albus Photo - Scratching eye

Albus has always had 'the itchies'. I always thought, for a dog, he gets a lot of itches. Many times, he licks or nibbles on his paws, or his arms/legs... And many other times he is scratching his head with his back paws! Sometimes he will swipe at his head with his front paws, too.
When Albus scratches with his back paw, his itches are normal in or right around his ear, his eyes, top of his head, around his snout, or a couple inches back from the ears. In this photo it seemed more like an eye itch!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Albus Photo - On Wood Floor

Albus is on the hardwood floor... lying down, with his head going over his paw! I really like this picture because of how it shows Albus with his head over his paw/arm area...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Albus the Dog - Photo

Here is the photo promised from the 1000 total pageview challenge - and remember these are related!

Albus yawning! Just a picture version of the video (click here for the video)
Albus is yawning a lot. Sometimes I am just taking pictures of him and he will yawn during one!
Though Albus is a hyper dog, he is also very sleepy sometimes - and when he is sleepy, he yawns! Whether it be when waking up or during "nap" time, he still yawns.

Albus Video - German Shepherd Mix, Dog Yawning

Here's the video promised from the "thousand view challenge" (here)
and we succeeded-- (here)

So, here's the video....................................................

This is just Albus yawning - I actually wasn't meaning to capture that during this video, I was trying to get a good angle with the lighting of him sleeping, but before I did, he yawned while it was on him! (So, that's why there is the terrible light in the back). Anyway, Albus has long yawns! Albus yawns a lot, like humans! Especially after waking up, or during the day when his normal "nap" time is!

Check out my youtube channel for more Albus videos: Louey7777
Here's the description from youtube: My funny dog, Albus, yawned while on camera!
Pretty long yawn... About :02 to :05, around 3 seconds :)

Albus Photo - Focused on a Treat

I remember this picture from when I took it around 2-3 months ago! Albus was up on the couch (as you can see) and I had a treat in my hand while on the floor. I was holding the treat, while Albus had his paws spread out and his wonderful dog face..... So I took a photo with my other hand :)

Thing I like most about this photo of Albus the Dog:

  • How is paws are spread out
  • How his front/upper body is straight and his back end is off the side (his left)
  • How focused Albus is on the treat
  • How his tongue is sticking out!
As mentioned many times, Albus is a dog that just loves treats!

Thousand view challenge - Success!

The thousand view challenge has been a success! Thank you all very much for it (I know it's not much, but it is for me :P) There will be an extra photo and video for today.

That means:
Photo of the Day
(possible Albus stories)
EXTRA photo
EXTRA video

These posts should be out shortly!
And the video and photo will be "in common"

Thousand View Challenge

If we can get 1,000 total page views by the evening today (10-21-2012) I will post an extra photo and video of Albus this evening!

Hint: Photo and video will be related if we get the views by then!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Albus Photo - Focused looking

Albus... Looking at something with much focus. It is more than likely food related, like a treat! 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Albus Video - Dog Bites Camera

Here is our video for the week! (10/14 - 10/20)

This probably my favorite funny Albus video so far!

Description from youtube: "My funny dog, Albus, bit my camera!
I was just recording him and then that happened :)
I slowed down the part where he went to bite it."

So, here is probably my favorite funny Albus video on youtube :)

Albus was just sittin' there while I was recording him. Suddenly, he bit the camera lens! And after that he acted like he did nothin' at all.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Albus Photo - Through the Backdoor

Albus was outside and wanted inside......
He often goes outside and wants to come in right away-- or the other way around, wants to come in then go outside right away!

This dog is always paw lickin'

Albus is always licking his paws........

Albus is always having itches. For his most common ones, he licks his paws and won't stop for a long time! I finally got a picture of Albus licking his paws! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cute Dog Photos of Albus

Here are some Albus photos I would like share that I just recently took today, I was using a different file format (raw) when taking this, and organized them through Adobe Lightroom. All of these were around the same 5 minute period and Albus behaved well, for once to let me get all of these!

Albus photo - Taking Treat

First: Albus loves treats. Here, he is taking a treat from my fingers. He will do almost anything for a treat, like sitting, giving you his paw, or even waiting to take it. Here he waited to 'take it.' At least he is gentle when taking treats from your hand!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Albus Photo - Sleeping on Bed

Today's photo is....

Albus was up on the bed sleeping. Sleeping, he does it during the day, just to save all his energy for the evening! Then he will go back to sleep overnight and have lots of energy in the morning!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Albus has gone barking again!

Albus started barking a ton again!

Albus sure loves to tell me off whenever I eat and he doesn't get any of it! Albus hates not getting any food whenever someone is eating something that he likes, especially meats, cheese or crackers. He also dislikes not getting the attention while we're eating.
So, what does he do about it?
He gets up and bothers you and begs for your food. He barks to let you know he wants some. He also will try to steal your food if you leave it a lone or for him to get!

Albus Photo - Ears in the Wind

Albus's ears are being blown in the wind! It is almost winter and was very windy yesterday and is somewhat toady- so I thought I would do Albus's ears being blown in the wind. There is just one extra thing though- winter! There is snow in the pictures (See around his collar at his fur, little white specks)... 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Albus Photo - Licking Couch

Albus sticking his tongue out on the couch! Another older picture with my Canon Powershot...
Must be a tasty couch!

Going Outside Today

Our trip outside this morning!
Albus wanted to go outside real bad this morning, so we went out. It was very windy and Albus had a fun time in it!

First: Albus stayed around our deck and wanted to be petted

So, we pet him for a while... Eventually he wanted to go out to the yard. He went out to start sniffing the air, get a nice smell of what was outside. He then caught a scent in the grass. He sniffed for a long while, just staying in the same general spot.

He finally started moving more, and kept smelling...

Albus then plumped down to the ground to enjoy the outdoors. He loves it when the weather is cooler, and loves to be outside in it.

He started to relax more and just lied there for a long time. 

Finally, he started to get hyper! He started to bark and kept at it for a long time!

He barked, barked, barked and barked more!

Eventually Albus stopped with the barking and moved on to running around. He wanted to go for a run very badly. He was very excited to be outside and he just got finished with a nice long rest.

There he is standing by one his holes he dug. He knows he has been bad when we tell him about him digging.  He loves to dig, this is his current biggest hole.

 When we fill them up, he will dig them right back up!

So, overall this morning we had a great time outside. Albus got nice relaxation outside. He also got to get some energy out! 

Albus Photo - His Face

Just.... Albus!
Photo of his face from around his head level!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Albus on Camera

Another general information post--
Albus is on camera a lot of time...
I used to have a Canon Powershot Compact camera. I enjoyed taking photos of Albus. I then got a Panasonic Lumix GF3, which was an amazing upgrade from the Canon. Lumix GF3 is a compact system SLR with interchangeable lenses. I only have a kit lens 14-42mm G VARIO. 

Some photos I shoot of him will be widscreen (19:6) others 4:3. The picture size can go up to 4000x3000 with much better quality than the old Canon Powershot. Videos are widescreen 1920x1080 AVCHD. I use Windows Live Movie Maker for my videos and save at 1920x1080 with bit rate of 135000. 

Albus is always getting his picture taken and is on video a lot.

I have over 2000 Albus photos
I have over an hour of Albus video footage

Here is a special photo to go with this post!

Albus is just snoozin' on the floor!

Albus Photo - Puppy bone

So this is an old photo of Albus with my old Canon Powershot. Albus was a puppy back then and he has a bone! Albus loves bones, as many dogs I see do. For people that have dogs that don't like bones it is hard to me to believe!

A General Story of Albus's Life


He is a male dog.
He is a German Shepherd mix dog. The possible mixes we think are: Huskee, Malamute, Hound- of course there are more possibilities!
He is a rescue dog from one of our local shelters.
He is very excited around other animals.
He gets very jealous and needs all the attention.
He doesn't mind other small dogs as much, only bigger dogs which he has to prove that he is alpha.
He has not been exposed to cats much.
He loves to sleep during the late morning to afternoon.
He is "your best friend" when you are eating.
He begs for food.
He loves treats and bones.
He always sniffs new people, and loves to rub in scents from other animals.
He loves to rub in odd scents he smells, especially on fabrics or from other animals.
He likes to chase rabbits in our backyard.
He is our only animal.
He is always jumping up on couches and beds, and loves his newest bed.
He loves to chew his bones in a certain room in the house, he also likes taking them outside.
He loves belly rubs.
He loves it when you scratch him wheres he has got an itch.
He knows certain tricks, including but not limited to, "sit," "paw."
He will go crazy if somebody else is walking a dog outside and has to bark to tell us he wants to go for a walk.
He loves going on walks and going to the park.
He loves to go in the car places, even though he is bad in it.
He loves it when we go to PetSmart, even though he only gets to go when he gets his nails trimmed which he doesn't like.
He likes to go to the vet.

There are many more "Albus things," but this list seems long enough already!
Here is some background on how we got him:

So, a normal day out and about running errands. We decide to go to the pet store. There are many dogs there. One needed a blanket over his cage! The dog needed it because he always was crying  :(. This dog was a German Shepherd mix, they were not sure with what. So, we were in the pet store and saw him! We knew right then that we were going to get him. We brought him home later that day. He was very frightened. He never: got up on the couch, went to the basement, went "berserk," dug, or some more things that he does now! That lasted for around a week. Then his inner self was released and he started to become the Albus we know this day! He will go to any place in the house for food. He will jump up on couches when uninvited. He will bark at the most inappropriate times. He will cry for food. He will dig, dig, and dig some more. That's a lot of the Albus we know today. From when we get him he was around one year old, to now, he is around 5 years old!

Albus loves when friends or family come over, he is always excited to see them. He can be irritating to them, though with him always begging for food and stuff!

What to Expect in the Next Couple of Days to Weeks

First off here is my plan:

  • One picture of the day every day
  • One video from my youtube channel- Louey7777- a week
  • A few posts of "Albus Stories" a week. These will include: Going places, him being "bad", wanting his bones, him being weird, and him "being a dog!," along with many more things.
  • Status updates on Albus- including: his age, his life in general, new events -- Posted occasionally throughout every couple weeks
  • Lastly- Miscellaneous-- including: Photos, videos, stories, and more! Posted somewhat frequently!
I will take requests on how to make this blog better.
Albus would like to give you all a special picture for this post

Just him enjoying our outdoor furniture acting like he's the one that payed the money and bought it!

Albus Photo - Treat Slinking

Albus is slinking to get a treat left on the floor for him!
Albus is always loving his treats, no matter if he is sleeping or acting all crazy, he always wants his treats. He has learned tricks for treats, like waiting for "take it".. Along with, "sit", "paw," and "stay." He also loves catching treats that are thrown to him!

Albus coughing!

A video of Albus coughing! Check out my youtube channel for more Albus videos!

Albus the Dog, Blog

Hello. This is a blog for my dog, Albus. I am new to this whole thing... You can expect one photo a day of Albus! Also, I will do random post of Albus stories.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Albus Photo - His Face

An Albus photo of his face and his tongue sticking out! I personally love dogs with their mouth open like that!