Saturday, October 13, 2012

A General Story of Albus's Life


He is a male dog.
He is a German Shepherd mix dog. The possible mixes we think are: Huskee, Malamute, Hound- of course there are more possibilities!
He is a rescue dog from one of our local shelters.
He is very excited around other animals.
He gets very jealous and needs all the attention.
He doesn't mind other small dogs as much, only bigger dogs which he has to prove that he is alpha.
He has not been exposed to cats much.
He loves to sleep during the late morning to afternoon.
He is "your best friend" when you are eating.
He begs for food.
He loves treats and bones.
He always sniffs new people, and loves to rub in scents from other animals.
He loves to rub in odd scents he smells, especially on fabrics or from other animals.
He likes to chase rabbits in our backyard.
He is our only animal.
He is always jumping up on couches and beds, and loves his newest bed.
He loves to chew his bones in a certain room in the house, he also likes taking them outside.
He loves belly rubs.
He loves it when you scratch him wheres he has got an itch.
He knows certain tricks, including but not limited to, "sit," "paw."
He will go crazy if somebody else is walking a dog outside and has to bark to tell us he wants to go for a walk.
He loves going on walks and going to the park.
He loves to go in the car places, even though he is bad in it.
He loves it when we go to PetSmart, even though he only gets to go when he gets his nails trimmed which he doesn't like.
He likes to go to the vet.

There are many more "Albus things," but this list seems long enough already!
Here is some background on how we got him:

So, a normal day out and about running errands. We decide to go to the pet store. There are many dogs there. One needed a blanket over his cage! The dog needed it because he always was crying  :(. This dog was a German Shepherd mix, they were not sure with what. So, we were in the pet store and saw him! We knew right then that we were going to get him. We brought him home later that day. He was very frightened. He never: got up on the couch, went to the basement, went "berserk," dug, or some more things that he does now! That lasted for around a week. Then his inner self was released and he started to become the Albus we know this day! He will go to any place in the house for food. He will jump up on couches when uninvited. He will bark at the most inappropriate times. He will cry for food. He will dig, dig, and dig some more. That's a lot of the Albus we know today. From when we get him he was around one year old, to now, he is around 5 years old!

Albus loves when friends or family come over, he is always excited to see them. He can be irritating to them, though with him always begging for food and stuff!


  1. Hey, nice story. Very descriptive and well organize, your content is wonderful. The part where it said dig dig and dig more actually made me laugh

    Also, it was upsetting thinking about dog crying in cage...

  2. Wow, very descriptive. Nice details about his life :)

  3. Lol.... Berserk, nice one.

    Well detailed btw
