Saturday, October 13, 2012

What to Expect in the Next Couple of Days to Weeks

First off here is my plan:

  • One picture of the day every day
  • One video from my youtube channel- Louey7777- a week
  • A few posts of "Albus Stories" a week. These will include: Going places, him being "bad", wanting his bones, him being weird, and him "being a dog!," along with many more things.
  • Status updates on Albus- including: his age, his life in general, new events -- Posted occasionally throughout every couple weeks
  • Lastly- Miscellaneous-- including: Photos, videos, stories, and more! Posted somewhat frequently!
I will take requests on how to make this blog better.
Albus would like to give you all a special picture for this post

Just him enjoying our outdoor furniture acting like he's the one that payed the money and bought it!

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